Sunday, 10 June 2012

Artistic Integrity

So at polytech today I am working on a drawing brief that is to explore my perceptions of my role as an artist.

So how do I see myself as an artist? I guess in my mind I separate my craft into two catergories: design for others or myself as a means of communicating a clear and concise message with the possibility of monetary gain and then my own artistic creations which are all my own personal interpretations of the world around me that don't necessarily require a message or understanding as it is created for me as a need to step out of my design role and put my emotions or thoughts into a visual piece.

Here are a few of my sketches thus far...

Recent Work with a Street Art twist...

Just thought to begin my blogging career that I would start off with a few recent examples of my work. I have been checking out quite a bit of Street Art as of late and this has greatly influenced me I guess.

I also came across this video in my travels...